With special guest Gretchen McNeil

Intro, Math Club, and Debate Society (spoiler-free): 00:00-25:33
Honor Roll and Detention (spoiler-heavy): 25:34-1:08:36
Superlatives (spoiler-heavier): 1:08:37-1:28:42

Directors Danny & Michael Philippou
Screenplay Danny Philippou & Bill Hinzman
Featuring Chris Alosio, Joe Bird, Otis Dhanji, Alexandra Jensen, Marcus Johnson, Sunny Johnson, Ari McCarthy, Miranda Otto, Zoe Terakes, Sophie Wilde

Released July 28, 2023
Budget $4.5 million
Box office (as of August 13, 2023): $31.3 million (US/Canada)


What’s better than a good party game, especially one that involves grasping an embalmed hand and speaking the words, “Talk to me”?  For the full effect, you then say, “I let you in” and allow yourself to be fully possessed by whatever lies beyond the spirit realm.  It’s terrifying, but also a total rush, provided you keep your trip under 90 seconds.  For Mia, it's a welcome distraction from a rough year. She recently lost her mother for reasons unexplained, and her best friend Jade’s little brother Riley keeps tagging along with them to parties.  Jade and Riley’s mother is concerned the kids might be into something nasty, like pot, or booze.  Little does she know, the kids are into something far more addictive, and when one of the games goes a little too far, all hell breaks loose, unleashing spirits best left undisturbed.


Gretchen McNeil is the author of several young adult novels including Dig Two Graves, Possess, 3:59, Relic, Get Even, Get Dirty, and Ten, as well as the horror/comedy novels #murdertrending, #murderfunding, and #noescape. Her most recent novel is Three Drops of Blood, pitched as a YA Rear Window, and she has yet another book in the works, titled, They Fear Not Men in the Woods. "Ten: Murder Island," the film adaptation of "Ten," premiered on Lifetime, and Get Even and Get Dirty have been adapted as the series “Get Even” and “Rebel Cheer Squad: a Get Even series” for the BBC and Netflix. Her next book, Four Letter Word, arrives in March 2024. Favorite recess snack: Handi-Snacks cheez n’ crackers.


Music from Talk to Me by Cornel Wilczek.

Why did Professor Louryk choose this film? Find out in our Blog.



The William Friedkin (RIP) Award for Most Disturbing Scene
Gretchen: “The toe-sucking scene”
Eric: A possessed Riley smashes his head against a desk, then goes for his eyeball
Bradford: A possessed Daniel makes out with the dog

The Ellen Ripley Award for Character Who Most Deserves to Live
Gretchen: Max (Mia’s dad)
Eric: Jade
Bradford: Riley

The Michael Myers Award for Character Who Most Deserves to Die
Gretchen: Mia
Eric: Hayley
Bradford: Mia

The Ken Russell Award for Most Baroque Screen Moment
Gretchen: The possession montage
Eric: The possession montage
Bradford: “Riley’s ballet of self-harm in the hospital room”

The Brad Dourif Award for Character Who Could (or Should) Have Been Played by Brad Dourif
Gretchen: Hayley
Eric: Daniel
Bradford: Hayley


Gretchen: B-
Eric: B+
Bradford: B

Note: the is the first time Eric has graded a film higher than Bradford